
In this blog post, I'm looking at something different, at how various factors can change a composition. There are many factors that can influence this. The first that comes to mind, as I take predominately landscape images, is the weather. The main thing with this element for me anyway is the clouds. The clouds can have a dramatic effect on an image, different forms, altitude, spacing, speed of movement, etc, etc. can change the light dramatically, and light can really make or break an image.

What I have in this blog, is five small scale / macro landscape images.

Each was taken on the same day, in the same place, the same composition in the portrait was used, and each has been cropped to 1:1 on height. The camera and tripod were not moved, and the camera settings and lens were the same.

All five images were taken within 15 seconds.

Apart from the first shot, all have been edited in the same way. The first shot is cropped slightly higher in the portrait and there is some variation on the shadows and highlights.

19:51:43 - The first one of the group is my favourite. The water was higher, and the rocks were not yet visible. As with the rest, this was a 1/3 sec exposure, but because of the level of the water, there is much more variation in the movement of the water. I've pulled out the yellows and the blues that can be seen in the top right of the other images.

19:51:43 - Less than a second later, the rock is starting to show and the water is running down. The waves still feel rough and powerful.

19:51:44 - Although the water has slowed, it appears to flow faster and smoother in this image. More of the background can be seen

19:51:56 - The last two were taken 12 seconds later, the water flow had calmed down, but was still running from the same wave. The water has dropped, and there are more rocks visible at the bottom of the image.

19:51:57 - And nearly free.