Good Weather, Bad Weather

Everyone has their own interpretation of what good weather is, mine doesn’t follow the norm. I like nearly anything with the exception of hot, my favourite though is the transition from autumn to winter. The colours of autumn are still around, the mornings are getting colder, low clouds hang around in the forests and frost is starting to appear.

I’m undecided about the format of the title image, so I’ve included a second choice.

Further into the forest and slightly higher up, I started to see shards of light breaking through the trees.

Around the next corner the clouds were thinning and blue sky could be seen above the darkness of the forest floor.

I headed towards the light and out onto an open plateau, the clouds were changing so fast

Not a great composition but worthy of recording the moment. While taking images of a row of trees in front of me and waiting for the mist to clear slightly I turned around to see a fog bow.

I spent the rest of the morning drifting in and out of clouds. Voices coming and going in the mist with no one in sight. At one point I heard the familiar click of a camera shutter, but never saw another photographer.

I’ll end as I started. The final image for this post is also shown in two forms, the 1:1 format is the one I’ve used for social media, specifically Instagram. The second is a 24:65 format which would be my choice but this format doesn’t work very well on social media platforms.

In the image you can see the peaks of Ruchen and Belchenflue coming out of the clouds in the foreground, far in the distance the peak of Säntis can be seen.