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Big Red

Blog Post - 0027

I decided to take another trip to Petite Camargue, to see how it is in the evening light. Compared to the last time that I was there, there were more people around, but I guess that this is expected on a Sunday evening.

It does make it a lot louder though. A hide doesn't really work if you have kids stomping around and shouting inside. Wasn't just the kids though, one woman thought that she would be able to take much better pictures with her mobile phone if she clambered through the bushes and stood in front of the hide!

I like the location and there are a lot of possibilities, I just have to find the best times to go there.

The shots that I chose for this entry were taken while walking back towards the car. There is a hide that overlooks some marshland, which is also a field where Highland Cattle are kept.

The small herd were wadding into a small pool, which gave a nice background to the images

The next two are of a Heron that was following the Highland Cattle around through the pool. The light was great and even though the view was blocked in part by some long grass, I was still able to get a couple of good images.

Also managed to get this shot of a Heron enjoying his evening meal. A shame for the frog, but herons have to eat too.

I had to crop the image slightly, so I wish that I'd have had the x1.5 extender on, but it may not have come out as sharp with it.

I'll definitely go to La Petite Camargue again, but I think that I'll pick a different time of the day and week next time.

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